Presented in the context of the 1:54 FORUM curated by Karima Boudou.Sunday 24th February, 7H30 PM

Jazz is My Religion

Presented in the context of the 1:54 FORUM curated by Karima Boudou.
Sunday 24th February, 7H30 PM

A rare opportunity to engage with the work of Dutch filmmaker Louis van Gasteren. In 1963, Dutch writer and poet Simon Vinkenoog started a Jazz & Poetry night in Sheherazade, a nightclub in Amsterdam, on behalf of his American friends - including Ted Joans - who asked him "Hey man, where can you read Poetry here?” In 1964, van Gasteren directed the film Jazz and Poetry (1964, 14’) in which Ted Joans reads his poetry with jazz musicians Piet Kuiters, Ruud Jacobs, Cees See and Herman Schoonderwalt at Sheherazade. In response to the film, curators from the Marrakech-based collective UNTITLED (SOUKAINA ABOULAOULA & YVON LANGUÉ) will lead an intervention.

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